2020-10-16 浏览次数:173次
宁安市温室YD03移动苗床怎么布置 温室作为一种现代化的农业设施得到逐步发展和推广,温室的造价比较昂贵,如用来种植普通作物,显然是很难收回投资。因此,在一定的情况下,想利用有限的资源获得更好的经济收益,首先要要提高温室使用率,增加单位面积产量;其次要好钢用在刀刃上,用温室来种植高经济作物,培育新种苗等 移动苗床是由增加了温室使用的有效种植面积。苗床布置alfafjsafafalfldldikdei方式可以纵向布置,也可以横向岛状布置,但不论哪种布置形式,都只需留一个“移动走道”,使用移动式苗床可以将温室的有效空间利用提高到80%以上。移动苗床主要用于温室大棚花卉栽培、蔬菜育苗、水稻育苗、中草药育苗等,是现代农业中不可以缺少的设备之一 移动苗床很好解决了育苗时,秧苗对于温湿肥的需求,尽可能的做到了每棵秧苗生长需求供应。育苗穴盘不直接放到地上有以下好处:1.切断土传病害的传染途径,减少苗期病害;2.苗期相对来说空气湿度要求比较高,不直接放到地上,避免了沤根现象的发生;3.不用人为翻盘,避免根系扎到土里,移栽时损伤根系造成缓苗慢的现象。 The moving seedbed well solves the demand of seedlings for temperature, humidity and fertilizer during seedling raising, and achieves the growth demand and supply of each seedling as much as possible. The advantages of not directly placing the seedling plug on the ground are as follows: 1. Cut off the transmission route of soil-borne diseases and reduce seedling diseases; 2. The air humidity requirement is relatively high at seedling stage and is not directly put on the ground, thus avoiding the occurrence of retting root. 3. There is no need to turn over the plate artificially to avoid the phenomenon that the root system is stuck in the soil and the root system is damaged during transplanting and the seedlings are slow.