河北温室育苗床实体厂家哪家好 移动苗床主要用于温室育苗、养花等。 移动苗床是由苗床网、铝合金边框、滚轴管、横撑、支架、手轮、调节小腿等组装而成,整体结构采用后热镀锌工艺。苗床标准高度0.7m,可以进行微调,标准宽1.7-1.8m,也可根据温室宽度定尺,长度可根据用户要求定作。 移动苗床网网格为130㎜×30㎜(长×宽),丝径有3mm+3mm和3mm+4mm的(可以根据穴盘来定做苗床网)。先焊接再热镀锌上锌量高达500克/平米,防腐性能高,承重能力好,寿命长一般20年不生锈。 华耀农业设施工程有限公司生产移动苗床,潮汐苗床,苗床网,镀锌苗床,移动喷灌机,立体种植槽,蘑菇架,各种护栏等,产品常年大量现货,质量保证,服务国内外数百家公司及个体种植户,欢迎新老客户的考察订购,我们将竭诚地服务好每一位客户,解除您的后顾之忧。 The mobile seedbed is mainly used for greenhouse seedling raising, flower cultivation, etc. The moving seedbed is composed of seedbed net, aluminum alloy frame, roller tube, transverse brace, bracket, handwheel, adjusting calf, etc. The overall structure adopts post-hot galvanizing process. The standard height of the seedbed is 0.7 m, which can be fine-tuned. The standard width is 1.7-1.8 m, and the length can be determined according to the width of the greenhouse. The length can be determined according to the requirements of users. The mesh of moving seedbed is 130 mm × 30 mm (length × width), and the silk diameter is 3mm + 3mm and 3mm + 4mm (seedbed mesh can be customized according to plug). The amount of zinc applied to welding and hot galvanizing is as high as 500g/m2, with high corrosion resistance, good load-bearing capacity and long service life. Generally, it does not rust for 20 years. Huayao Agricultural Facilities Engineering Co., Ltd. Produces mobile seedbed, Tidal seedbed, seedbed net, galvanized seedbed, mobile sprinkler, three-dimensional planting trough, mushroom rack, various guardrails, etc., the products are in stock all the year round, with quality assurance, serving hundreds of companies and individual growers at home and abroad. Welcome new and old customers to inspect and order. We will wholeheartedly serve every customer and relieve your worries.